Sunday, March 1, 2009

Insurance Baby!!!!

Hey boys and girls, I am slowly getting some time to start writing this blog again. I finally was able to sleep in today, which was glorious. 5am mornings are hurting bad. We can get shit canned for looking like we are tired, being 15seconds late, having a cellphone on grounds, or letting the tongue slip "shit" (which is difficult coming from a shop environment). I can't complain though, pretty much just don't be a dumb ass and I should be able to keep my job. Well that is if I can memorize and execute about 6,000 pages of rules, regulations, procedures, and concepts in the next few weeks. On the plus side this process here in OKC is geared towards having us succeed, it is when I get to CA that all the washout happens. At least I now have insurance!!!! Who wants to go do something risky??? I actually was going to go skydiving with my instructor this weekend but didn't want to drop $200 for it. Instead the roommates and I hopped into the car and checked out OK city as we are actually residing in a lil' suburb called Mustang. Despite previous assumptions the city is actually pretty cool, only exception being is not one single Oklahoman knows how to drive. The weather got crazy windy and cold this weekend so I did not ride today...maybe tomm. Either way we should be back up into the 70s this week. Thus far road conditions down here blow! No shoulders, tons of traffic, old pavement, potholes for babies and small dogs, and no good routes that don't make you turn around for the same 5mi stretch. I might try and ride with a couple of guys from a shop in OKC if I can swing the time after work before it gets dark.
Gotta go Study

1 comment:

Ben said...

I knew it! You already miss us!
Oh yeah, shit, fuck, satan, sex, drugs, rape...
And didn't get fired.