Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Follow Up/Recap.
Here is the deal, if you read the last entry before this one it describes my poorish posting abilities and theories as to why. The sad thing is I posted that tonight when in actuality I wrote it well over a week and a half ago. So here are the pics from what should have been the last couple post over the past two weeks.....enjoy!
(LEFT) The Taurine built and now finally ready for action!
(RIGHT) The second of the two bikes back home..the Cross bike, not so ready for action. Need some tires, somehow those didn't make the trip to Cali, oh well. Ill get it going for winter, turns out the desert has thousands of miles of sandy dirt trails and fire roads perfect for this here whip.

Ok so we don't quite have those engagement photos from Santa Barbara yet but here is a photo of Josh drunk trying to get over a curb in Santa Barbara, just as good! No better!
And Finally Kim's B-day present:
That's the quick recap of the last two weeks. Trust me it's getting better. First it took a year to re-post, then a couple months...this time it was only 2weeks so stay tuned.

(RIGHT) The second of the two bikes back home..the Cross bike, not so ready for action. Need some tires, somehow those didn't make the trip to Cali, oh well. Ill get it going for winter, turns out the desert has thousands of miles of sandy dirt trails and fire roads perfect for this here whip.

Ok so we don't quite have those engagement photos from Santa Barbara yet but here is a photo of Josh drunk trying to get over a curb in Santa Barbara, just as good! No better!
And Finally Kim's B-day present:

That's the quick recap of the last two weeks. Trust me it's getting better. First it took a year to re-post, then a couple months...this time it was only 2weeks so stay tuned.
Point and Case
I finally figured out why I never post.... every time I am about too post I think to myself ill do it tomorrow when I have a picture because that will make this post oh so more exciting for the two people that actually occasionally read this. The problem is I don't have easy access to any sort of camera. If the camera I happen to have has battery power Ill use it but even then I don't carry it around in my back pocket, and my conscious efforts to take a camera along with me somewhere seem to be non-existent. My solution MONEY..... see this is how it works if I had one of those fancy do it all phones (like the rest of the world), the ones with the camera and internet I would probably be posting all the time because I can take a picture any time and have it loaded on the internet in even less time. And the only way to obtain one of these is to not only have the money to buy the phone but the money to pay for the outrageous monthly bill of internet in your hand. Two things I do not posses = money and money. So this will not be happening for a while and until then I will submit to well under par blogging.
Here we go with the latest update, last week the "in-laws" came for a visit, we headed to Santa Barbara for a day at the beach and took some engagement photos, (again to be poster "tomm"). Did a lot of eating as is always done when people come to visit, and Josh and I were planning on an 4hour epic CA ride only to be disappointed by the UUUUps man, who showed up at 5pm Tue rather than the MON he was suppose to, so this caused an insufficient number of road bikes to do this ride. On the plus side I got two more of my bikes back, One beauty that has yet to be rode (pic for "tomm"). After everyone left I was finally able to get back into a routine and get some riding in after a week and a half off. Did the high desert flats ride 3 and 2 days ago and then hit up a couple mountains yesterday as the weather has been 70-85, no wind lately ..i.e PERFECT.
Gotta get prepared for the festivities in May. Hittin up the last four stages of the Tour of CA, all are invited and all are welcome, all four stages are a semi close drive from my house.
Here we go with the latest update, last week the "in-laws" came for a visit, we headed to Santa Barbara for a day at the beach and took some engagement photos, (again to be poster "tomm"). Did a lot of eating as is always done when people come to visit, and Josh and I were planning on an 4hour epic CA ride only to be disappointed by the UUUUps man, who showed up at 5pm Tue rather than the MON he was suppose to, so this caused an insufficient number of road bikes to do this ride. On the plus side I got two more of my bikes back, One beauty that has yet to be rode (pic for "tomm"). After everyone left I was finally able to get back into a routine and get some riding in after a week and a half off. Did the high desert flats ride 3 and 2 days ago and then hit up a couple mountains yesterday as the weather has been 70-85, no wind lately ..i.e PERFECT.
Gotta get prepared for the festivities in May. Hittin up the last four stages of the Tour of CA, all are invited and all are welcome, all four stages are a semi close drive from my house.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Good Eats!
So my entries may be a few days apart, but it is better than a few months. Just give me a bit and I'll get the hold of this thing.
Haven't been riding the last few days as work and going out has made a slug of me, Ive been just wiped. Friday morning just got away from me so I didn't get to hop on the bike , had to go to work at 1:30, got off at 9:30 so Kim and I went down a couple blocks from our Grand Apartment to "Fresco II", a lil' Italian joint. Our neighbor's band had a gig there. Not knowing what to expect we walked in and the little two room restaurant was hopping, the band did mostly covers but they were tight as shit. More importantly BEER! Finally I have found a bar that serves more than Bud, Fat Tire, and Tecate. They actually had some I never heard of.....something that is starting to get hard these days. I tried a couple out and really enjoyed "Xingu" try it if you can find it and the jury is still out on the other I had " Unibroue, La fin du monde" (The end of the world). This was really yeasty and I am still pondering whether it was really disgusting or so interesting that I like it....guess I will have to go back to test more ($6/25oz bottle)...just a heads up thats really cheap out in these parts. It turns out living in Cali is quite expensive.

Onward, I had to be to work at 7:30 the next morning...sucks going to work swing shit Friday to day shift Saturday, especially with beer and bands in-between. Either way as soon as I got down with work Kim and I took a nice little hour drive across the desert to Hesperia for one of my new buddies/co-worker's sons B-day. He turned 2 and you never turn down an invitation from his family....the food.... always phenomenal. Ok so I have only eating with them twice but let me tell the first time his father deep fried some fish and made the best fish tacos I have ever had, actually correction..The BEST TACOS PERIOD I have ever had. Pssst he's Mexican, they know what they're doing.
Lastly today I was in at work at 6:30 and got home and was wiped from the past days festivities so I took a nap. Turns out I slept to long and no onger have enough daylight for a proper ride soooo if I can't ride what do we do, EAT! I'm currently waiting for the coals on the grill to heat up and we're gonna through some salmon on cedar plank with some garlic potatoes. The eating is good in the desert. The October training is off to a slow start. ON the plus side the weather is now cooperating, 60's today. Evenings in the 50's/40's good thing I kept them Revo Arm warmers.
Haven't been riding the last few days as work and going out has made a slug of me, Ive been just wiped. Friday morning just got away from me so I didn't get to hop on the bike , had to go to work at 1:30, got off at 9:30 so Kim and I went down a couple blocks from our Grand Apartment to "Fresco II", a lil' Italian joint. Our neighbor's band had a gig there. Not knowing what to expect we walked in and the little two room restaurant was hopping, the band did mostly covers but they were tight as shit. More importantly BEER! Finally I have found a bar that serves more than Bud, Fat Tire, and Tecate. They actually had some I never heard of.....something that is starting to get hard these days. I tried a couple out and really enjoyed "Xingu" try it if you can find it and the jury is still out on the other I had " Unibroue, La fin du monde" (The end of the world). This was really yeasty and I am still pondering whether it was really disgusting or so interesting that I like it....guess I will have to go back to test more ($6/25oz bottle)...just a heads up thats really cheap out in these parts. It turns out living in Cali is quite expensive.

Onward, I had to be to work at 7:30 the next morning...sucks going to work swing shit Friday to day shift Saturday, especially with beer and bands in-between. Either way as soon as I got down with work Kim and I took a nice little hour drive across the desert to Hesperia for one of my new buddies/co-worker's sons B-day. He turned 2 and you never turn down an invitation from his family....the food.... always phenomenal. Ok so I have only eating with them twice but let me tell the first time his father deep fried some fish and made the best fish tacos I have ever had, actually correction..The BEST TACOS PERIOD I have ever had. Pssst he's Mexican, they know what they're doing.
Lastly today I was in at work at 6:30 and got home and was wiped from the past days festivities so I took a nap. Turns out I slept to long and no onger have enough daylight for a proper ride soooo if I can't ride what do we do, EAT! I'm currently waiting for the coals on the grill to heat up and we're gonna through some salmon on cedar plank with some garlic potatoes. The eating is good in the desert. The October training is off to a slow start. ON the plus side the weather is now cooperating, 60's today. Evenings in the 50's/40's good thing I kept them Revo Arm warmers.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
For you Ben
Alright, Ill try this one more time now that I am what you would call "settled" in a home. As I asked Ben yesterday to ship the last few of my bikes to me he gave me shit about my blogging or lack there of. So this is for you Ben.
Since I haven't blogged in so long I could write pages bringing you all up to speed but I will try and just bring you back over the next few posts. For now, all you need to know is I'm in Cali working as a Air Traffic Controller, living in a desert and finally starting to get some great riding in...(pictures to come). After a few months of slacking and searching for roads I have a few good set Cty Rd 8 type routes established. Today I took the standard shortest of the them. I like to refer to it as my slick route. This was ride designed for Schlicht. Let me tell you how it goes. First you ride across 10miles of flat desert, similar to ND tundra flat and windier than the JETBLAsT from the Stealth Fighters flying over head. I'm talking a constant 25mph with some nasty gusts. But after that you wish you were as light as slick cause the climbing begins, several thousand feet. Even though it is higher it doesn't matter it will still be 100degrees. On the plus side throughout this ride the roads fair quite well, can't complain on that end. After your first long climb you get to turn with the wind to your back and hit some Minnesota type rollers with Mn scenery, i.e. (for slick remind you) Horses, LLamas, goats, Ponies, Donkeys. Even today I saw two Donkeys doing the hippity dippidy. After all the fun of ponies and what not we get into a couple more thousand feet of climbing followed by a beautiful descent back into the city, where speeds of 50mph come without pedaling and you wish cars could corner as well as you so you wouldn't have to slow down for them. Except for of course the occasionally Ferrari or Porsche that comes whizzing by. Once you get into the city you are greeted by biker friendly roads that have bikes lanes 3-10ft wide all the time. A nice 15min spin down through the city and your back home to your luxurious 1bedroom apartment that cost as much as a mortgage in MN.
Doing the ride backwards is actually almost better, it is what I did today and froze my ass off. This morning it was only in th mid 40's. Which I know makes me sound like a wussy but when it has been 90-100 for the last few months it was quite a shock at 7am. Felt like I was back in Sota, actually quite refreshing. I had on my revo kit of course and I passed 3 other riders.... all of whom had long sleeve wind breakers or arm warmers on, California Bitches!!!
OK thats to much for 1 post
Since I haven't blogged in so long I could write pages bringing you all up to speed but I will try and just bring you back over the next few posts. For now, all you need to know is I'm in Cali working as a Air Traffic Controller, living in a desert and finally starting to get some great riding in...(pictures to come). After a few months of slacking and searching for roads I have a few good set Cty Rd 8 type routes established. Today I took the standard shortest of the them. I like to refer to it as my slick route. This was ride designed for Schlicht. Let me tell you how it goes. First you ride across 10miles of flat desert, similar to ND tundra flat and windier than the JETBLAsT from the Stealth Fighters flying over head. I'm talking a constant 25mph with some nasty gusts. But after that you wish you were as light as slick cause the climbing begins, several thousand feet. Even though it is higher it doesn't matter it will still be 100degrees. On the plus side throughout this ride the roads fair quite well, can't complain on that end. After your first long climb you get to turn with the wind to your back and hit some Minnesota type rollers with Mn scenery, i.e. (for slick remind you) Horses, LLamas, goats, Ponies, Donkeys. Even today I saw two Donkeys doing the hippity dippidy. After all the fun of ponies and what not we get into a couple more thousand feet of climbing followed by a beautiful descent back into the city, where speeds of 50mph come without pedaling and you wish cars could corner as well as you so you wouldn't have to slow down for them. Except for of course the occasionally Ferrari or Porsche that comes whizzing by. Once you get into the city you are greeted by biker friendly roads that have bikes lanes 3-10ft wide all the time. A nice 15min spin down through the city and your back home to your luxurious 1bedroom apartment that cost as much as a mortgage in MN.
Doing the ride backwards is actually almost better, it is what I did today and froze my ass off. This morning it was only in th mid 40's. Which I know makes me sound like a wussy but when it has been 90-100 for the last few months it was quite a shock at 7am. Felt like I was back in Sota, actually quite refreshing. I had on my revo kit of course and I passed 3 other riders.... all of whom had long sleeve wind breakers or arm warmers on, California Bitches!!!
OK thats to much for 1 post
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hello again,
Sorry there are now more pictures yet, it is evening making me think this blog is lame, but I just never get around to it. Next time I promise I will get some pics up. Anyway I am finally learning how to study. It is now week two and Friday I have test two, I am starting to pick up on a pattern here. Every week there is a test on information that came from a book about the size of the QBP accessories catalog. To clarify that is a new book that size each week. I couldn't be more excited though because lil miss Kim is arriving Thur night for a weekend stay.
Riding....well I haven't done a whole lot yet, I have tried and mentioned that routes and roouds...make that roads, suck around here. So I went and stopped at a couple local bike shops downtown OKC to see what the scene was like.
First shop, Holy Shit!!! They stocked everything from a kids trike to a size run of the high-end Cannondale Slice. There were orbea and cervelo frames/completes hanging everywhere. a rack of full carbon TTbars (Zipp,Pro,Profile etc..) Blackwell Wheel sets, full run of MAVIC,SHIMANO,and ZIPP wheel sets...needless to say it was ridiculous. The shop was cool and they have been around forever but to be honest I was more impressed with the second shop I went too and here is why.
The second shop was smaller but well layed-out. They didn't carry the array of high caliber equipment but the important thing was the employees. They new there shit, were totally cool with helping me find routes and find out about the riding/racing scene, and couldn't have been more inviting. Plus they offered me a part time job and I didn't even say shit. People know it when they see it. Anyway, the point being maybe it is because I have worked in a shop for some time now or maybe not but I just hope the average consumer could see the difference between the two. The service they would get at the second shop would far exceed the quality of help they would get at the first. The funny thing was that it was fairly new, 2 years, hmmmm seems like some other shop I know of. (Insert Shameless plug here) Revolution Cycle and Ski
Thats all for now
Sorry there are now more pictures yet, it is evening making me think this blog is lame, but I just never get around to it. Next time I promise I will get some pics up. Anyway I am finally learning how to study. It is now week two and Friday I have test two, I am starting to pick up on a pattern here. Every week there is a test on information that came from a book about the size of the QBP accessories catalog. To clarify that is a new book that size each week. I couldn't be more excited though because lil miss Kim is arriving Thur night for a weekend stay.
Riding....well I haven't done a whole lot yet, I have tried and mentioned that routes and roouds...make that roads, suck around here. So I went and stopped at a couple local bike shops downtown OKC to see what the scene was like.
First shop, Holy Shit!!! They stocked everything from a kids trike to a size run of the high-end Cannondale Slice. There were orbea and cervelo frames/completes hanging everywhere. a rack of full carbon TTbars (Zipp,Pro,Profile etc..) Blackwell Wheel sets, full run of MAVIC,SHIMANO,and ZIPP wheel sets...needless to say it was ridiculous. The shop was cool and they have been around forever but to be honest I was more impressed with the second shop I went too and here is why.
The second shop was smaller but well layed-out. They didn't carry the array of high caliber equipment but the important thing was the employees. They new there shit, were totally cool with helping me find routes and find out about the riding/racing scene, and couldn't have been more inviting. Plus they offered me a part time job and I didn't even say shit. People know it when they see it. Anyway, the point being maybe it is because I have worked in a shop for some time now or maybe not but I just hope the average consumer could see the difference between the two. The service they would get at the second shop would far exceed the quality of help they would get at the first. The funny thing was that it was fairly new, 2 years, hmmmm seems like some other shop I know of. (Insert Shameless plug here) Revolution Cycle and Ski
Thats all for now
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Insurance Baby!!!!
Hey boys and girls, I am slowly getting some time to start writing this blog again. I finally was able to sleep in today, which was glorious. 5am mornings are hurting bad. We can get shit canned for looking like we are tired, being 15seconds late, having a cellphone on grounds, or letting the tongue slip "shit" (which is difficult coming from a shop environment). I can't complain though, pretty much just don't be a dumb ass and I should be able to keep my job. Well that is if I can memorize and execute about 6,000 pages of rules, regulations, procedures, and concepts in the next few weeks. On the plus side this process here in OKC is geared towards having us succeed, it is when I get to CA that all the washout happens. At least I now have insurance!!!! Who wants to go do something risky??? I actually was going to go skydiving with my instructor this weekend but didn't want to drop $200 for it. Instead the roommates and I hopped into the car and checked out OK city as we are actually residing in a lil' suburb called Mustang. Despite previous assumptions the city is actually pretty cool, only exception being is not one single Oklahoman knows how to drive. The weather got crazy windy and cold this weekend so I did not ride today...maybe tomm. Either way we should be back up into the 70s this week. Thus far road conditions down here blow! No shoulders, tons of traffic, old pavement, potholes for babies and small dogs, and no good routes that don't make you turn around for the same 5mi stretch. I might try and ride with a couple of guys from a shop in OKC if I can swing the time after work before it gets dark.
Gotta go Study
Gotta go Study
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