Yea thats all I heard last night at 2am. No I was not at the bar ( I wish, I could have used a drink) but rather I was still in the library. Yes I was working on that inferno project I ranted about earlier, and here I am bitchin about it again. But Hey IM DONE!! So I felt I deserved a blog entry. Even though I had to miss two classes today to finish it. I don't think my prof can get to mad, I mean we did sell him the best bike he has ever owned (Cann. Six13!!)/ he loves it and subsequently me, I'm in the clear.
And speaking of bikes, all this blasted homework has severly been cutting into my training time, I only rode 1.5hrs monday + MTB night ride where my damn battery fell off, nothing on tuesday and a mere 1.5hrs yesterday ON ROLLERS. If you can't tell Im a bit frustrated right now, hence the caps and !!!!!!!. I won't even get to ride today and I'll miss the Atomic Ski clinic tonight, whats happening with me??
I swear if this library steals anymore of my least I know how Ben feels. By the way thanks for the first comment, even though you probably are the only one who has read this. But I have stole some of your life now that you have to read this babble. It seems a bit ironic that what turned him away from blogging is what started me. The reading of other's blogs, he lost time, I just got pissed I didn't have a place to write about useless shit, and where others for some percurious reason like listening to it. I apoplogize to you Ben for taking another 30secs of your life each time I post. Ill try to make it good. But I don't regret starting this. Think of it this way the next time one of you sees me, maybe I won't complain as much because I was able to vent on here.
Just Hope I wrote already for the day.