I am not sure why, maybe it is because I had a week off, but time on the rollers never seemed to pass faster. I got another two hours in before I had to head to work, feels great. It is possible that it was because of the movie which was pretty good, shoot'em up movie are always good trainer movies. I watched "The Professional". Basically you have this Italian Hit Man, shoots alot of people, saves some little girl and starts to train her to be a Hit Man..Women. I mean what guy doesnt like think while watching a brilliant, clever, fast, guy kill people with skill, I want to be that guy. Everyone wants to be able to go into an apartment undetected strangle some dude without the other 6 mobs thugs not even noticing before they get cleaned as well, like a Ninja, I love Ninjas!. Ok maybe no one wants that because we would all be so F#*#** -up in the head from killing people. Seriously how the hell do you deal with something like that. Which brings me to my second concern of the night Death.
Does anyone find it creepy that in the past two weeks I have now had 4dreams in which I have been in a car accident. I told a couple people after the third, which I thought maybe it would cease to happen then, but unfortunely it happened again. The tally thus far is I Lived 1 time and Died 3 times. I am almost hoping for more dreams of this nature just so I can even out the score. The worst thing about it all is that in a couple of the dreams after the accident I see myself laying there, somtimes dead somtimes alive, often times friends are around me trying to help. As though it were a movie, it was not as though I am looking through my own eyes but instead from the view of some camera man. Dont you usually wake up right before you die? Like when you have that dream that everyone has.... were you are falling and just before you impact you damn near jump out of your bed sweating like a pig. It is like that except I dont jump up and wake up, I watch the accident/crash and it continues on. What the hell is this all about, I usually dont even remember my dreams.
If someone has the name of a good shrink help me out.
Only two more days of offical class time this semester:)! Then finals :(
Time to go do some night skiing at the Quarries and forget all this.